Every year, firefighters from around the world compete in the Firefighter Stairclimb up Columbia Center in full fire gear, masks, and oxygen tanks to help raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. It's a whopping 69 flights of stairs up one of the tallest buildings on the west coast. This year, 1500 firefighters competed in the competition and one of them, Dan Nelson, ran the competition in my honor! Dan is Johanna's chiropractor, and he's also a firefighter who competes in the stairclimb every year. I've met him a couple of times and he's a great guy. There is even an
article about his climb in the latest issue of Seattle Metropolitan magazine.
Here's a quote from the Seattle Met article:
Nelson, who didn’t become a firefighter until he was 44, trained for the department’s qualifying endurance test by hauling 100-pound sandbags up Laurelhurst’s cruelest hills. Right up until the day he tries to conquer the Columbia Tower, he’ll be scaling stairs at Husky Stadium—with an air mask and 60 pounds of gear instead of sandbags.
Unbelievable! He's just over halfway to reaching his funding goal. You can help him out by
making a donation at his web site.
That is awesome!! Lemme check it out.
Very cool.
My husband is a firefighter here in Spokane, and some of his friends from the department did the stair climb and did pretty well.
I personally think it sounds like torture...one of many reasons why *I* am not the firefighter in our family.
Diana (McLean) Serquina
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