The 3 charts show: ANC, HGB, and Platelets. ANC is Absolute Neutrophil Count and measures the bacteria-fighting capabilities of your blood (neutrophils are one of the white blood cells). HGB is short for Hemoglobin, and measures the oxygen-carrying capabilities of your blood (hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells). And platelets measure the clotting capability.
Below are all the charts:

Coooooooool. When I'm looking at your charts it looks like I'm doing work. ;) Which I am. Studying the mysterious creature known as Stever.
The green is the normal zone right? What is the unit on the Y axis?
The red vertical bands show when I was going through chemotherapy. If you look at the ANC chart, you can see that the neutrophils responded favorably and went up during this time.
The units on the y axis just measure how many cells are in a given sample of blood (it's a standard measurement).
Dern anal retentive engineers. I bet your dad gets a kick outa studing these also. See you in a couple days. The trail walk looked really nice.
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