Thanks to everyone in Albuquerque who donated platelets and blood and moral support. These folks donated a total of 17 units of platelets and 4 units of whole blood. That's a lot! Here are some pictures from the event. I can't believe how many people showed up. It looks like everyone had a great time.
Hi Steve! I just wanted to let you know my church sponsored a blood drive and bone marrow registry drive as well a couple of weekends ago. They had 50 units of blood donated and around 233 people joined the registry! They are continuing the bone marrow registry drive this Sunday to encourage even more people to sign up to be donors. Just wanted to encourage you that there are more and more people out there getting involved! Hopefully someone soon will be a great match for you. Love you! Ceci
On June 5th, 2008 I was diagnosed with a blood disorder called Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS). What this means is that my bone marrow is unable to produce enough red blood cells, white blood cells or platelets. On January 27th, 2009 I had a bone marrow transplant, the only known option that offers a full chance of a cure.
I'm using this blog to help keep friends and family up to date, and also as a way for me to focus my thoughts and understand this disease so that I can power through it and beat it. Thanks to everyone for all the support. Your comments really cheer me up. I read them all!
Hi Steve! I just wanted to let you know my church sponsored a blood drive and bone marrow registry drive as well a couple of weekends ago. They had 50 units of blood donated and around 233 people joined the registry! They are continuing the bone marrow registry drive this Sunday to encourage even more people to sign up to be donors. Just wanted to encourage you that there are more and more people out there getting involved! Hopefully someone soon will be a great match for you.
Love you! Ceci
233 people is a lot! That's awesome!
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