Here's an updated picture of Steve from after dinner tonight. Even though he had a rough night, I was still able to convince Steve to get out of bed today and he had a rather successful day. He ate normal portions for breakfast, lunch and dinner and we walked 1 mile after breakfast and 1 mile before dinner. 1 mile on his wing of the transplant floor is 10.5 laps so it's a lot of pushing his IV pole down a cluttered hallway but I'm excited he can be convinced to do it still. He's setting up the network hub as we speak, because they don't have wifi here. His parents also visited today. The TV in his room has a channel that they broadcast movies on (sans commercials). The selection of movies is decent (steve says a lot of chick flicks and box office thrillers) but in addition to the regular channels there is always something on.
Now, imagine that you are plugged into a wall 24hrs a day and there's a TV right by the bed and you aren't always feeling good - you can see it would be difficult to get up and do anything. So I'm pretty excited when he's willing to sit up or get up and do something.
Last night I decorated his room a little:

Today is his last day of Cytoxan (a myelo suppressive drug that heavily suppresses the bone marrow) and tomorrow he starts Busulfan (a myelo ablative drug that fully destroys bone marrow activity) which he will do for 4 days. Then he will have a "day of rest" where the drugs can clear from his system before he gets his infusion of donor cells. Steve says "I'm staying busy with the nurses and all of the blood checks and weight checks".- so there you have it!
Is it really such a good idea to have TWO pictures of Gabe on the wall?? :) Stay strong you guys. We're all thinking of you over here at ilike.
I bet you make more rounds than the docs! Broseph, keep up the good work, and thanks for all the updates. I like how you now speak "H hour sequence," you can just call it "T-" or "D-" and you will be fluent in military jargon.
Get Well---Shawn
One more thing Steve, you gotta check this out: http://jalopnik.com/5135543/beautiful-hand+made-wooden-vespa?skyline=true&s=i
dude, you look dapper in that pinstripy shirt of yours! johanna better make sure the nurses aren't hitting on you. :)
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