Once we got the orders to be discharged, we had to wait around a while to meet with the discharge nurse who let us know what to expect for tomorrow, since I have a full day of appointments at the SCCA, we had to get all our supplies and equipment to take home with us, like sterile pads, gloves and the portable IV pump, and then we had to wait for the pharmacy to fill all the prescriptions. This all took several hours, so by the time we left the hospital it was about 5:30 pm. It was kind of weird to leave, since I had lived in that little room for 22 days. Some of the nurses stopped by to say good-bye and to hope that they don't see me again :), and Erika asked for my blog, which was cool. But it feels so nice to be at home again.
Here's a picture of my prescriptions that I've been taking at the hospital and that I'll need to continue at home. This is only about a 2-week supply, if you can believe that.

Here's why we're a bit excited about the engraftment. In the last graphs I posted from a few days ago, you could just start to see an upward trend of white blood cells, neutrophils, and platelets. Well, take a look at the graphs below! The green area is the normal range, and the purple bar is when I underwent the conditioning chemo just before the transplant. We still expect these to bounce around a bit, and in fact, my hematocrit has dropped from 33 to 31, but things are still looking great. The doctors continue to be impressed at how fast the engraftment happened.

So far I'm adjusting well at home, and Johanna and my mom were here this evening keeping things clean and cooking soup for the next few days for me to eat. I'm still rinsing my mouth with the special mouth rinse every few hours, and will be looking for a mile-long route around the neighborhood to keep up my energy.
Happy to be home!
What amazing news, Steve. Well done for making those little stem cells of yours so happy. Either that or they really don't like your taste in TV, so they had no choice but to um, get bizzy! Or maybe they just don't like hospitals, and heck, who can blame 'em?
Anyway, welcome home!
- S
Captcha of the day: Seligned (n) Refers to the practice of changing the alignment of selected text, a big no-no. Selignment be gone!
That is amazing. Do you know how soon we can come and visit after we get back? we land at Seatac at 11am on thursday...
Yeah Stever's new cells! So glad to hear that you are doing well. we'll have to go on a walk when we gt back! - Jen and Greg
Wow, all your charts look great. So happy you are at home. I enjoyed dinner with your dad last night, I'm glad he's here in Albuquerque for a few days. Our house is finally making progress in the rebuilding, interior walls are going up. Hope you enjoy all the normal routines of home!
Beth and Jeff
I am so happy for you I could wet myself.
Oh wait. Um.
Seriously though - congratulations. I'm so happy for you. This kinda made my day.
Super Stever!!
Sup for supper? Soup you say? Seriously?
Try some summertime squash. Sounds savory!! Simply salacious, offends my sensibilities!! Some soup simmering in a silver saucer prepared by the sous-chef should suffice.
Soose says so long! Settle into Stever soundly in Seattle stem cells.
(what really started this was super and supper, I couldn't stop after that.
wow! those charts are beautiful!! well done, stever! you rock!
Great News! We're really happy for you.
Uncle Leon
Congrats Steve!! Your friends in the D are pulling for you!!
-Jay and Lisa LeBlanc
Dude, you're gonna be off the charts soon!! YAY, so happy you're beating this, it's amazing!
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